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Is NoOps a DevOps Pipedream?

NoOps, short for “No Operations”, refers to the complete automation of all facets of software development operations (e.g. build, test, deployment, monitoring, etc).  In the continuing evolution of software development methodologies and toolsets, the ultimate rationale for DevOps (the automation of operations using infrastructure as code)  is to move to a NoOps capability, where no time is ever spent on operations and 100% of the technical teams’ time is focused on development. DevOps, however, is but a point on the software development continuum - one that more often than not requires a dedicated, highly compensated, and hard-to-find group of experts to push farther along the continuum towards the promise of NoOps. Through a combination of custom scripting and automated toolsets, DevOps teams deliver complex automation scripts in a continuous deployment cycle ensuring bug fixes, new features, and enhancements are released in a timely fashion. The NoOps model effectively achieves DevOps nirvana IRL; a space that can only be achieved by Jedi level DevOps teams incorporating  AI/ML and/or extremely sophisticated scripting pathways has enabled organizations to completely automate their infrastructure deployment, updates, and monitoring. Given the degree of difficulty, it is not hard to see why many companies have abandoned the quest to achieve  NoOps. In the face of the extreme challenges posed by implementing high levels of automation, it’s no wonder many organizations simply just give up and settle for basic DevOps capabilities requiring  significant, manual care and feeding from the development team or expensive and specialized software developers called DevOps Engineers.

While some of the most advanced companies on earth have spent hundreds of millions of dollars for their own proprietary DevOps solutions -  squeaking out the most automation that can possibly be achieved for their specific use cases - a new wave of technology has recently hit the market. Using underlying AI/ML algorithms and complex scripting that  dynamically performs many  of the same functions and automations that these companies have spent millions developing from scratch,these tools enable companies to “leapfrog” over many of the DevOps hurdles one \ needs to overcome. These new NoOps platforms  greatly simplify many of the more advanced capabilities and tasks on the DevOps spectrum, bringing the No Operations dream ever closer to reality.

So just maybe, NoOps is within grasp, even for the average company. If you’re interesting in seeing just how close you can get to NoOps on your own DevOps spectrum, you should start by investigating the leading NoOps tool on the market at

Sign up for a free trial and see for yourself how quickly you can achieve NoOps to automate your software development pipeline.